MSU Gensan’s peace, development institute names new director

Mindanao State University-General Santos City has just appointed Dr. Jovar Pantao as the new director of the Institute for Peace and Development (IPDM), the host institution of the SOX (SOCCSKSARGEN) Messaging Hub.

Dr. Pantao officially took the position in October 2020 after he finished his term as the chairperson of the university’s Bachelor of Elementary Education Department this year. 

The young professor and peace builder is notable for his works in strengthening the peace education in the university. He endeavored researches on Outcomes-Based Education, Education for Peace, and Preventing and Transforming Violent Extremism (PTVE) which he has presented and been acknowledged nationally and internationally.

His role as the focal person of IPDM has significantly contributed to the early establishment of the SOX Messaging Hub in 2019. Since then, the hub has pulled in more partners and key players who took part in different peace advocacies in the region online and offline.

During the recent International Day of Peace in September, Dr. Jovar led in organizing the Kilos Kalinaw virtual series which highlighted the works and roles of young leaders in peace and development in the region. More than 10 youth-led, government and non-government organizations took part of the said online initiative which is also going to have its rerun in the form of virtual plays in the upcoming Mindanao Week of Peace 2020.

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